Norman Rockwell


Een van mijn grote voorbeelden uit het verleden was Norman Rockwell. Ik was vooral heel erg gecharmeerd van zijn schildertechniek en de wijze waarop hij zijn onderwerpen uit de achtergrond wist te laten verschijnen. Onlangs is een onbekend werk van hem ontdekt. Ik zag het op facebook voorbijkomen en zag meteen weer zo’n schilderij waar ik destijds zo bijzonder van onder de indruk was, en nog steeds ben. Ook hier zie je de kunst van het ’tevoorschijn toveren’.

Hieronder de Engelse tekst die bij dit bericht hoort.

Forget about your New Year’s resolutions.
Here’s a New Year’s REVELATION for you.

I happened upon this remarkable painting of my grandfather’s that I had never seen before and I wanted to share it with you. It took my breath away. It’s not only one of my grandfather’s best works — perhaps from the early 1920’s — I would suggest it is one of the most remarkable paintings of a young girl I have ever seen.

I don’t know the back story – in fact, my father and I could not even find it in “A Definitive Catalogue” by Laurie Norton Moffatt. But what I do know is what I observe — the stunning quality of light that recalls one of Rockwell’s greatest influences, Rembrandt. The subject appears to be a graduation of some kind, but my grandfather turns it into a Holy Communion of sorts, with her white dress, ruffles, expansive bow and ethereal light from above. It is an initiation, a passage. Even the background characters are fully realized, not caricatured in any way. The younger man sitting on the left is one of my grandfather’s frequent models, Dave Campion. Simply, it is one of Rockwell’s finest works and as far as I know has remained quite hidden.

This painting is the perfect example of how my grandfather elevated illustration to a fine art — defying categorization.

Many blessings for a year that takes you by surprise in the very best way… And exceeds your expectations.

You don’t need to ask for the best, it is already yours.
You don’t need to ask for success, it is already yours.
You don’t need to ask for love, it is already yours.

Warmest wishes, as always.
